Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Exception to the Yule! The Bent Agency

For those of you ready to query, it looks like somebody does want queries in December! Susan Hawk recently joined The Bent Agency, and today the announcement was made that she is "actively acquiring" (I just love those words together) YA and middle grade fiction, including fantasy, historical, and science fiction. Check out the post HERE at agent Jenny Bent's blog, Bent on Books. There's also a very short post showcasing Susan Hawk HERE, at Guide to Literary Agents. 

It's Tuesday, people, I don't typically blog on Tuesdays... so this is what it's like... nice! Now, back to my WIP :)


  1. I always love seeing that someone is acquiring new authors. Yay for the Bent Agency!

  2. That's great news, but I'm not finished with my WIP!!!

  3. Melane, you are so funny! You are going to be there before you know it, you can do it!

    Wendy, let's wahoo together! Oh wait, we already did! Oh wait, that sounds weird.
