When I woke up this morning I checked my internet and, yay, all better! But I had no idea there were so many Dianas out there. And even another Diana Paz blogging her heart out! So there went my plan of naming the blog after myself. I ended up spending all morning discovering all the creative ways "Diana" was already incorporated into blogspot addresses. And then I learned that all the cute, clever, writing blog addresses in general were taken, too. My blog couldn't go nameless. And I didn't want to spend all day creating the blog, I wanted to blog! What a bust!
But then, somewhere between karate class and nachos from Pepe's, between revising my last project and plotting the next one, between reading through a scene I LOVED last week and seeing it for the crap it really was and being completely and unequivocally positive that I should never, ever query out this terrible book, I finally came up with the my bloggity blog's big fat name. Not that I'm the first to make the comparison, but each book is like a roller coaster with all it's exhilarating ups and terrifying downs. I've second-guessed myself more than once, and there's no lap-restraint holding me securely in place, but above all else, riding these writing coasters is an amazing rush.
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